Julien Acalin

Julien Acalin

Economist - Research Department

International Monetary Fund

Research Updates:

My paper “Did the U.S Really Grow out of its World War II Debt?” (with Larry Ball) is now R&R at AEJ:Macro!

My paper “The Global Financial Cycle Meets Global Imbalances” was among the Finalists of the 2023 Young Economist Prize by the Qatar Centre for Global Banking & Finance at King’s Business School


I am an economist (EP) in the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund. My research interests lie at the intersection of macroeconomics and international finance. I obtained my PhD in Economics from Johns Hopkins University in 2023.


  • Macroeconomics
  • International Finance
  • Global Capital Flows
  • Public Debt


  • PhD in Economics, 2023

    Johns Hopkins University

  • MSc in Financial Economics, 2016

    HEC Paris

  • MSc in International Economics, 2014

    Paris Dauphine University / Universidad Autonoma de Madrid


Average instructor rating: 4.8/5

Econ 302: Macroeconomic Theory

TA for Prof. Poliakova: Fall 2022

Econ 104: Seminar in Financial Literacy

Course Instructor: Intersession 2021 - 2022

Econ 604: Graduate Macroeconomic Theory (PhD)

TA for Prof. Jeanne: Spring 2019 - 2022

Econ 101: Elements of Macroeconomics

Head TA for Prof. Barbera: Fall 2018 - 2021
TA for Prof. Dasgupta: Summer 2020

Work Experience

Peterson Institute for International Economics

Research Analyst - Washington DC (09/2015 - 06/2017)

Working with Prof. Olivier Blanchard
Topics: Public debt, GDP linked-bonds, and Gross capital flows

International Monetary Fund

Fund Internship Program - Washington DC (06/2015 - 08/2017)

Working with Belen Sbrancia
Topic: Financial Repression in Advanced Economies after WWII

Banque de France

Economist - Paris (09/2013 - 09/2014)

Macroeconomic monitoring of the Franc Zone African countries



Python code for Public Debt and Low Interest Rates

This notebook replicates the analysis of the stochastic overlapping generations (OLG) model developed by Blanchard in his presidential address during the AEA meetings 2019. It takes about 3 minutes to run all the simulations in the notebook.
